Saturday, April 26, 2008


I just want to say that I am glad that God speaks. I am glad that He is alive. Not a distant god, but a loving, intimate Father.

That's all. I was just reminded of His nearness and how intimately He desires to love us and speak to us if only we would listen to what He is saying. If only we dropped our agendas and really listened to what He had to say. I think most of the times we approach God like a press conference. Something has happened in our life, or we have a need, and we have a list of questions we need answering. We are interested only in getting our answer and calming our nerves. But we need to approach Him like a Father. To sit on His lap and lay next to Him and tell Him about our day and ask His advice on what we should do in our situations. Not to get our answer. That is secondary to hearing Him speak and knowing that He is answering out of complete love for us.

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